Laws and regulations of the electricity market
Links to laws and regulations
- Law on Energy
- Regulations on conditions of electricity supply (Official Gazette RS No. 63/2013)
- Tariff system for access and use of electricity transmission system
- Price list for access and use of electricity transmission system
- Tariff system for access and use of electricity distribution system
- Decision on calculation and collection of compensation for stimulation of production of electricity
- Regulation on energy-protected user
- Decision on granting consent to the decision on the price of access to the distribution system
- Price list for access and use of electricity distribution system
- The scheme of the change of the supplier at the request of the buyer
- Rules on the operation of the transmission system
- Rules on change of supplier
- The request for a change of supplier
- The end customer's announcement / notice model to the current supplier
- Balancing Responsibility Model - with a Bank Guarantee to Guarantee Payment
- Government decision on determining reserve supplier